Tuesday, January 31, 2017

mardi le 31 janvier 2017


Just a reminder to continue to be reading White Jade Tiger in preparation for Monday's Literary Circles

Maths: If you would like to challenge the ratio quiz by taking it on Thursday instead of Monday, do a bit of extra review. Thursday is slated to be a review day with the quiz being on Monday. We will go over more word problems involving equivalent ratios mainly. Any ratio posters not yet completed should be handed in.

Make sure you are on track with Social Studies project and Science project presentation!

A jeudi,

Mme Couture

Monday, January 30, 2017

mardi le 30 janvier 2017



Reminder to ensure you have all clothing needed for next Tuesday's field trip (5:00am departure from Lansdowne on Feb. 7th)

Maths: Finish handout on equivalent ratio for tomorrow's math class including Va plus loin! (43). Advisory 44 to complete Questions 1-4 of the same handout on equivalent ratio. Also, anyone not finished good copy of their ratio poster needs to submit it for tomorrow.

Anglais: Illustrator assignment due today. Make sure to have it ready for tomorrow's class discussion of Iqbal. I am also still missing a few Theme assignments from Iqbal (due last week).

Make sure you are on track with Science and Social Studies project timelines.

Pink Shirt Day order forms, for those interested in buying a t-shirt, are due  in the office on Wed. Feb. 1st by 9:00 am (order forms went home today). While students are encouraged to wear any pink shirt on anti-bullying day (Feb. 22 ), the important thing is to always be respectful, kind and inclusive towards others and to stand up to unkind behaviour EVERY DAY.

A demain,

Mme Couture

Thursday, January 26, 2017

jeudi le 25 janvier 2017


Reminders: Please bring back report card envelopes


Anglais: "Illustrator" assignment due Monday (draw a scene from Iqbal and explain why and how it conveys one of the book's important themes). Also still missing a few "Theme" assignments from Iqbal.

Maths: Good copy of Ratio poster due Monday if not already completed today (your survey results including total numbers for each category as well as 4-6 ratios written in all possible forms).

Sciences Humaines: see Monday's post for detailed info on Mme Chaytor's project.

Sciences Naturelles: VĂ©rifie ce que tu as compris due on Friday. Planet presentations also starting Friday-tomorrow with M D'Entremont.

Ski Trip: Please go over information on clothing items you will need from the info pack and make sure you have everything on hand for Feb. 7th (e.g. sunscreen, gloves, extra layers etc.).

A lundi,

Mme Couture

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

mardi le 24 janvier 2017



Maths: Rough draft of ratio questionnaire that you did in class (4-5 rapports avec les infos tu as eu) . Some students also practicing order of operations.

Anglais: Theme assignment for Iqbal needs to be completed if not already finished. Start working on "Illustrator" assignment.

Sciences: Presentations on planets beginning Friday

Sc. Hum: See yesterday's post for project information

A jeudi,

Mme Couture

Monday, January 23, 2017

lundi le 23 janvier 2017


Maths: Finish Ratio practice questions (part: part and part: whole) for tomorrow. We did multiple exapmles and notes in class and there is another explanation of ratio (rapports) on today's handout

Anglais: Please have Iqbal theme assignment (both sides of the handout) completed for tomorrow's English class. Identify two themes with two examples of each from the story and make connections between the theme and your life, another book you've read and something going on in the world.

Sciences Naturelles: Planet presentations beginning January 27th

Sciences Humaines: Projet- "De la Point de Vue d'un Enfant Travailleur" (child laborers project) - due and ready to present Monday February 6th. (Remember if you are using outside technology such as making a video and brining it in to show the class either in mp3 or another format, you must test that this works on the Friday Februay 3rd with Madame Chaytors before the presentation day)

Reminder: please return any ski forms ASAP.

A demain,

Mme Couture

Thursday, January 19, 2017

jeudi le 19 janvier 2017


Reminder that all ski forms need to be handed in with ALL information filled out (height, weight, shoe size etc) for those attending.


Sciences: Group project on planets due next Friday (slideshow presentation in google drive)

Anglais: Start working on Theme assignment for Iqbal (due next Tuesday). Identify two themes in the story and give two examples for each theme. Make connections between one or both of the themes and another book you've read, something you've experienced, something going on in the world.

Maths: Order of operations review for those doing retest (next Tuesday).

A lundi,

Mme Couture

Monday, January 16, 2017

lundi le 16 janvier 2017


Important reminder to get all ski/snowboard forms in by tomorrow!

Any scholastic orders are also welcome.


Maths: Complete extra practice of mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers (today's handout) if not finished in class time.

Also, review Order of operations rules and complete half the questions from today's handout (either option A or B)

A demain,

Mme Couture

Thursday, January 12, 2017

jeudi le 12 janvier 2017



Report card envelopes due
Scholastic orders welcome any time before the 17th
Ski trip forms due at earliest convenience


We started working on mixed numbers and improper fractions (changing from one to the other). For those less confident, please ensure you do the extra practice questions I gave.

Anglais: For those who did not finish Horton Hears a Who assignment (theme and making connections) please submit sooner rather than later.

A lundi,

Mme Couture

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

mardi le 10 janvier 2017


Just a reminder to students that PE strip is needed for gym class.

Scholastic flyers went home today. If you would like to purchase any scholastic books, please submit orders by Tuesday January 17th (same day that ski forms are due).


Math: Extra practice on reducing fractions to be completed for Thursday (#5 d,e,f,g,h of pink handout)

Anglais: Horton Hears a Who theme assignment  (both sides of orange handout) due Thursday:

a) identify two themes in Horton Hears a Who with two examples of how each theme is present in the story
b) make connections between one of the themes and your life, a different book you've read and something going on in the world

A jeudi,

Mme Couture

Monday, January 9, 2017

lundi le 9 janvier 2017


Reminder to bring hot lunch order forms to the office by tomorrow AND please remember PE strip for tomorrow's PE class


Maths: Please complete Questions 4, 5 a, b,c on page 11 (continuation of equivalent fractions but this time focusing on REDUCING fractions to simplest form). Hint: Divide the numerator and denominator by their highest common factor (e..g. 45/60 divided by 15/15 is 3/5)

Anglais: Make sure the first page of Horton Hears a Who theme analysis is completed by tomorrow

Sciences: Tell your parents about our Polymer experiment today and the polymer you made including ingredients--what is your polymer made up of?

FIELD TRIP INFO: Remember to give parents information package for our upcoming ski trip to Mt. Washington on February 7th. We do require at least one parent driver as well as 2-3 parent chaperones. If you are able to help out, please indicate on payment/info/waiver portion of info package and return to Mme Couture at earliest convenience.

A demain,

Mme Couture

Thursday, January 5, 2017

lundi le 5 janvier 2016



PE: Bring PE strip for Monday

Hot lunch forms should be submitted to office by January 10th at the latest!

Maths: Review concept we discussed today (equivalent fractions and reducing fractions by dividing numerator and denominator by the same number (e.g. 10/12 divided by 2/2 is 5/6...2/2 is a form of 1 so the value of fraction doesn't change but looks different in terms of the size of pieces and how many there are).

Complete practice questions from handout:

Less confident with concept:  Option A:  #1,2 (p. 110), 1 a,c,e, 2 a,c,f (p.111)

More confident with concept:  Option B:  #2, 4, 5 a,b, c (p. 111)

Anglais: Complete first side of Horton Hears a Who "Theme" activity (identify two themes from story and give two examples of how each theme comes up during the story). Remember to use specific language (identify who does what to whom and when/how it happens).

A lundi,

Mme Couture

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

mardi le 3 janvier 2017


Just a reminder to bring PE strip for Monday's PE class (bring it this week if possible so it's here in your locker).

If you have not already done so, please return your report card envelope.


Maths: Advisory 44-test parents on finding equivalent fractions using multiplication or division with a form of 1 (e.g. 3/3 or 5/5 etc).

Anglais: Think of themes that came up in our reading of "Horton Hears a Who". On Thursday we will do a writing activity relating to the themes from this story.

A jeudi,

Mme Couture